Did anybody see Canada's number 1 here in Lisbon the last couple of days? As you probably know it was this little meeting that brought him to town; this small gathering they call the NATO Summit. Besides closing down particular parts of the city and getting people to gather to manifest against the Summit, it's almost like it went unnoticed.
Now concerning the Canadian PM, he was kept indoors the majority of the time spent here, mainly down at the Feira Industrial de Lisboa (FIL) negotiating world affairs with the other world leaders. Besides the time spent at the FIL (on the 18th and 19th), we also know that he meet with NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen the morning of the 18th to discuss Canada's role in Afghanistan and the pulling out of Canadian combat troops by the Summer of 2011, and the intent of only leaving Canadian military trainers to train Afghan security forces in Afghanistan.
For those of you who certainly didn't miss Barack Obama on every television and newspaper, but did not manage to catch a glimps of the Canadian PM, here are some photos:

We certainly enjoyed his visit, but lets hope that the next time he visits (along with his world leader friends) it will be for reasons other than those that also attract these folks:

this post is very usefull thx!
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